排水交換服務in Toronto & GTA



每個人都知道偶爾泄漏夾具andclogged toilets. Still, with the rest of the plumbing system hidden out of sight, drainage issues aren’t always as obvious — until water pooling and clogging begin to happen more often. Or worse, the sewer backs up, releasing wastewater back into your home. This is usually when most people call a plumber. But the signs of drainage issues are not always as obvious. Sometimes, it’s even as simple as foul odours that you can’t quite place or get rid of, no matter how many times you clean.





在泄水欧宝娱乐平台客服管工王,我們的管道專業認證fessionals are always hard at work, not just responding to emergencies, but developing new solutions for preventing them. For fast and proactive plumbing protection, we recommend drain relining.

我們的管道專家提供排水,以防止進一步損壞的漏鬥和管道。無論您是預訂本服務的家庭還是商業機構,您都可以依靠不間斷的日常計劃和生產力。我們的流失後專家致力於提供快速可靠的服務,從初始檢查開始,一直在安裝和持續維護。您可以信任我們,以防止您的排水,完美的功能,並保護免於長期損壞 - 所有人都在幾小時或更短的時間內。


For many property owners, any plumbing work can seem like a major inconvenience — and it sounds like one, too. With all the underground drilling and temporarily shut off water supply, even when limited to affected areas, it can make quite the ruckus. However, that’s not the case with drain relining.




Once the CCTV survey technology is in place, our plumbers work to clean the drains, remove clog-causing blockages and silt deposits, and prepare them for relining. We do this by flushing the pipes using high-powered water jetting. This cleans the internal walls of the drain, creating an even surface to attach the lining.

甚至更好,這個過程隻使用高級的成像工具和探針完成。這消除了對廣泛的鑽井和挖掘的需求,保持停機時間最小。但別擔心 - 我們的水管工保持細致的眼睛,因為CCTV測量技術讓我們在重新定位時監控排水管。



Hassle-Free and Cost-Effective Drain Protection

Compared to other plumbing repairs, drain relining is faster and non-destructive. Because of this, it’s a cost-effective and even proactive solution to drainage issues before they turn into larger plumbing emergencies.

But drain relining is no budget solution when it comes to actual function. The lining is highly robust, lasting for years without needing constant replacement. It can also be tailored to different pipe sizes, creating a perfect fit for pipes anywhere between 50mm to 1 metre in diameter, and across applications. Depending on the design of your plumbing system and the building environment, the process can use either one long lining or several smaller sheets to cover the entire length of the pipework.

Drain Relining: Frequently Asked Questions

What is used to reline the drains?


Does drain relining have to cover the entire pipe?

For small and localized damage, drain relining can be contained in that specific area. Our plumbers use a technique called patch relining, which limits the repair to the damaged portion of the pipe. This is a good option for minor drainage issues; if the rest of the plumbing system is functioning properly and won’t require repairs soon, patch relining is a cost-effective alternative for minor damage.


Compared to a drain replacement, relining is a faster and more cost-effective process. It requires minimal excavation and downtime for the water supply, allowing you to get on with the rest of the day and work to be done. That’s because drain relining uses cured resin to patch up and reinforce pipes instead of taking them out.

In contrast, drain replacement requires more excavation and extensive plumbing work. The entire process involves taking out old pipes and laying down new ones for longer-lasting function. Because this process involves more work, it also takes more time to complete. Plus, with underground pipes, plumbers may have to divert them from under the building.


For more information about drain relining,聯係漏油金管欧宝娱乐平台客服here, or give us a call at 833-983-5301.
