


COVID-19 has not been easy for anyone in Canada. While healthcare workers and staff of essential businesses are at the frontlines, many of us are asked to do our part by staying home, often at the expense of our livelihood and normal daily routine.

With nowhere else to go — and not much to do — many Canadian households are dealing with increased water consumption and waste disposal. As a result, plumbing systems are suffering from overuse, resulting in many clogged drains and sewers.

隨著大多數企業被迫關閉,很多房主正在轉向DIY修理和修複 - 但是堵塞的排水溝和下水道不應該是其中的一部分。雖然許多修複如改變燈泡,爐過濾器和重排家具,但是易於安全的 - 而且安全 - 才能自己,解開排水管或下水道並不像簡單。完成錯誤時,您可以看一下更大的管道緊急情況,如淩亂的備用,或更糟糕的是室內洪水。

With the risk of high exposure to COVID-19, you may be less inclined to call yourplumber for a clogged drain或下水道。但是這是你應該,以及如何保護您的家人的所有原因,以及避免這些管道緊急情況:


A lot of us are guilty of flushing waste items down the kitchen sink or toilet that we shouldn’t — at least once in a while. Paper towels, grease, and hygiene products cause clogs because they build up in the drains and sewers, blocking the flow of wastewater outside our homes.

Over time, these occasional clogs lead to back-ups and indoor flooding, resulting in a large mess and damage to appliances and furniture. In severe cases, you can even damage the city’s sewer pipes, such as those connected to wastewater treatment plants.

But with everyone now at home 24/7, a lot of us are more likely to flush these waste items down the sink or toilet, especially in busy homes with lots of little kids around. This is on top of increased water and other utility consumption due to being home all the time, which can overburden already clogged drains and sewers. And because the entire family is home with nowhere else to go, you also can’t afford a breakdown — plumbing fixtures need to function 24/7 to support your daily routine.

What Not to Flush or Pour Down the Drain

我們現在任何人都想要的最後一件事就是讓我們在家裏裏麵讓陌生人表演即使是最重要的維修。沒有人想生病 - 妥善處理家庭廢物可以預防現在比以往任何時候都更能。

Preventing plumbing nightmares, like clogged drains and sewer back-ups, starts with knowing what you can and can’t flush down the drain. Check out this list of common household waste items that you may have been disposing of incorrectly — and where they should go to avoid clogging the drains and sewer lines:

  1. 衛生產品


  2. Fat, oil, and grease

    It’s tempting to pour greasy liquids down the kitchen drain as you clean pots and pans, but these remain lodged in the pipes, forming sludge that blocks the flow of wastewater. When cleaning up food scraps and grease from meat, sauces and dressings, dairy products, soups, and cooking oil, make sure to collect these into a sealed container. Also, wipe down small amounts on plates and utensils with an organic paper towel that can be disposed of in the green bin.

    你可能會選擇to install a grease trap in the kitchen sink or dishwasher to prevent oil and fat from being flushed down the drain when washing dishes.

  3. Medication

    Whether it’s spills or expired pills and syrups, avoid washing these drugs down the sink, as these can harm the environment, on top of lodging in the drains and causing clogs with other waste items. Instead, you can return unused medication to your local pharmacy, or drop these off at your city’s hazardous waste depot.

  4. 危險的浪費

    Cleaning products, such as bleach and disinfectants, car products, like motor oil and window washer fluid, paints, pesticides, and personal care products, are all considered hazardous waste. They can cause both clogging and degradation of drains and pipes. These need to be collected and dropped off at a local depot close to you when it’s safe to do so.

Safe Plumbing Repairs During COVID-19 — Our Guarantee

在流失欧宝娱乐平台客服國王管道工,我們了解許多多倫多房主正在製作負責任的事情 - 限製外麵的聯係,並避免邀請家庭,朋友,特別是陌生人進入他們的家。但是,您不應該通過堵塞的下水道或排水,並風險與DIY修理的管道緊急情況。


To prevent the spread of COVID-19 during管道修理,我們的水管工具配備並訓練,以徹底消毒固定裝置,工具和具有消毒擦拭物和清潔噴霧劑的表麵。我們還將每個團隊成員配備蒙滿,單用手套和眼睛保護,以便在每個作業網站上使用。我們的水管工已經接受過培訓,以便在維修期間從客戶身上保持至少6英尺的安全物理距離,並擦拭其工具和工作區域。

Your safety is our top priority, and with that comes a stable and conducive home life, especially now that your entire family is home. That’s why our plumbers take every precaution when you call us for an emergency repair. It allows you to resume your daily routine without putting your family’s health at risk.

To learn more about our COVID-19 safety protocols foremergency plumbing repairs, call Drain King Plumbers at 1-833-983-5301 orcontact us here.
